Through Biblical examination Prophet Tracy breaks down what it means to be a prophet.
Prophets: Ordained By God offers a Biblical look at the function of the prophet. Understanding the function of the prophet will help prophets develop their ministry on more than the ability to prophesy. After all, anyone with the Holy Spirit can prophesy. Prophets MUST do more than prophesy. Integrity can only be restored to the Office of the Prophet through Prophetic Education.
Tracy Waterford is a powerful prophetic voice for our time. She has a genuine love for God s people and His Kingdom.
As an Apostolic Prophet her focus is on training and equipping the Saints of God. Prophet Tracy delivers a relevant and revelatory word which brings forth deliverance and spiritual breakthrough in the lives of God’s people. She flows under a unique Apostolic, Prophetic, and Teacher anointing which is effective in breaking barriers and false paradigms in order rebuild, establish, equip, and prosper those to whom she is called and sent.
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